Acne Online Journals

 Acne is a skin condition that occurs in the areas of your skin with the largest number of functional oil glands. It appears on face, neck, chest, back and shoulders. Acne lesions cannot be healed quickly. Based on its severity, it's going to cause anxiety which can cause skin scarring. Online Journals are scholarly and peer reviewed journals. Online Journals also aims to succeed in an outsized number of readers worldwide with original and current research work completed on the vital problems with the above important disciplines. Acne Vulgaris is one among the foremost common skin disorders which dermatologists need to treat. It mainly affect adolescent, though may present at any age. In recent years, thanks to better understanding of the pathogenesis of acne, new therapeutic modalities and various permutation and combinations are designed. In topical agents; peroxide , antibiotics, retinoids, etc are the mainstay of treatment; are often given in combinations. While systemic therapy includes oral antibiotics, hormonal therapy, and isotretinoin, depending upon the necessity of patients it's to be selected. Physical treatment within the sort of lesion removal, photo-therapy is additionally helpful in few of them. To overcome this, panel of physicians and researchers worked together as a worldwide alliance and task force to enhance outcomes in acne treatment. They have tried to offer consensus recommendation for the treatment of acne.