Review Article - Clinical Investigation (2023) Volume 13, Issue 5

Some misleading usages and myths related to fever

Corresponding Author:
K. M. Yacob
Chief Physician, Marma Health Centre, Kerala, India

Received: 25-May-2023, Manuscript No. fmci-23-100035; Editor assigned: 26-May-2023, PreQC No. fmci-23-100035 (PQ); Reviewed: 27-May-2023, QC No. fmci-23-100035 (Q); Revised: 29-May-2023, Manuscript No. fmci-23-100035 (R); Published: 31-May-2023; DOI: 10.37532/2041-6792.2023.13(5).1-6


Many misleading words and expressions have entered the medical field without knowing the correct meaning. Due to the use of such words and expressions, many things are misjudged, misunderstood, and even correct ones are misjudged. There is a situation where fever is the cause of many diseases and is a symptom and protective shield against many diseases. This is because there is a lack of basic knowledge about fever1 and there is no universally accepted definition of fever2. As stated above, according to current scientific law, fever cannot exhibit three or four unrelated characteristics at the same time or multiple times. In Kerala-India, there are many vernacular expressions that are misleading about fever. All of that is difficult to translate into other languages. Ignorance of the subject is the root cause of misleading usages. Fever is one of the least knowledgeable topics in modern science. Therefore, the most misleading words and expressions are associated with fever. The words and phrases used in medical books to describe fever are evidence of a misunderstanding of fever. In no other condition, except the fever, has the immune system been so misunderstood and misled by others.


Misleading words • Least knowledgeable topic • Normal fever • Viral fever • Fever of unknown origin


Many misleading words and expressions have entered the medical field without knowing the correct meaning. Due to the use of such words and expressions, many things are misjudged, misunderstood, and even correct ones are misjudged. There is a situation where fever is the cause of many diseases and is a symptom and protective shield against many diseases. This is because there is a lack of basic knowledge about fever and there is no universally accepted definition of fever [1, 2]. As stated above, according to current scientific law, fever cannot exhibit three or four unrelated characteristics at the same time or multiple times.

In Kerala-India, there are many vernacular expressions that are misleading about fever. All of that is difficult to translate into other languages. Ignorance of the subject is the root cause of misleading usages. Fever is one of the least knowledgeable topics in modern science. Therefore, the most misleading words and expressions are associated with fever. The words and phrases used in medical books to describe fever are evidence of a misunderstanding of fever.

In no other condition, except the fever, has the immune system been so misunderstood and misled by others. Fever is seen as the most misunderstood in the Vedas. Fever is called the king of diseases in Ayurveda. Therefore, in Ayurveda most importanceis given to the treatment of fever. The Bible also says .that fever is a deadly disease. The method seen today of reducing the temperature of fever with water is the method mentioned in the hadith 1400 years ago. In the early days, the treatment was done by religious priests. They follow the treatment of fever prescribed in their Vedas

Some misleading disease names and usages related to fever

A temperature between 104.1oF and 106oF is a highgrade fever, fever is a symptom of many diseases, Normal fever, Viral fever, Fever of Unknown Origin (FUO, PUO), paracetamol may cause fever, paracetamol cures fever, fever causing medicines, febrile fits, the patient died due to fever, fever makes other diseases, increase in fever causes pneumonia, when fever increases it destroyed cells of the brain, mosquito spreads fever, fever patient, fever ward, fever epidemic, various types of fever, all types of fevers, to find out the underlying cause of fever, fever disrupts the homeostasis, immunity power decreased to block fever, ways to avoid fever, immunization against fever, blood pressure will decrease at 125 states of fever, all these said usages are misleading usages based on not knowing the purpose of the temperature of fever.

Literature Review

It is the wrong usage to say that fever is a symptom of many diseases, a cause of many diseases, and cause of death

Disease, the various causes of disease that destroy our body. A fever that protects the body, these are in the opposite direction. According to any science and technology in the world today, fever cannot simultaneously be the cause of disease, the symptom of disease, the cause of death, or protection.There are no signs, symptoms, indications, actions, or their messages to tell that fever is a symptom of many diseases and a cause of many diseases or causes of death. Fever is not a symptom in any disease, none of the disease requires fever as its symptom [3]

Should a temperature between 104.1oF and 106oF be called a high-grade fever or hyperthermia

Now fever and hyperthermia are at the same temperature. A temperature greater than 100 o F determines fever and hyperthermia. Today fever and hyperthermia are divided into 3 types based on temperature.

• Mild/low-grade fever, 100.5oF –102.2oF; Mild/ low-grade hyperthermia, 100.5 o F –102.2 F;

• Moderate grade fever, 102.2oF–104oF; Moderate grade hyperthermia, 102.2oF –104oF; High-grade fever, 104.1oF–106o F; Hyperpyrexia, >106oF,

• High-grade hyperthermia >106o F.

Differentiating fever based on temperature is misleading. A fever is not a high temperature. Hyperthermia is a condition of increased temperature. According to the current fever definition, fever is an elevation of body temperature above 38°C in the hypothalamus of the brain [4]. Today, there is no instrument to determine if the temperature in the hypothalamus is elevated, and if so, how high it is. A fever is when the immune system produces substances, including heat, to increase blood flow. A disease does not necessarily have a fever. A high temperature that is a component of a fever is not necessarily a fever, even if other factors are present. In immunecompromised AIDS patients, newborn children, and the elderly, the temperature does not rise because the body does not have the energy to generate heat.

High temperature does not mean fever. Temperature rises not only during fever but also during many other diseases. In hyperthermia, the opposite of fever, there is an increase in temperature. Hyperthermia is only an increase in temperature due to external causes. Fever and hyperthermia are mutually exclusive. In hyperthermia, the immune system does not produce the heat. Hyperthermia cannot be created by fevercreating agents. Fever cannot be created by hyper thermic agents [5].

The source of fever and the source of hyperthermia are not the same. Fever does not occur from a source of hyperthermia. Hyperthermia does not arise from a source of fever. Hyperthermia is an increase in body temperature caused by external factors divided into three categories based on the severity of temperature, like that fever ever caused by the body's immune system cannot be divided into three categories based on the severity of temperature.

If high temperature can be called fever, then what should hyperthermia be called? there is no expert to answer this question. But physicians still diagnose and treat fever by checking the temperature. According to any scientific law in the world today, the same temperature should not be called fever and hyperthermia. The basic reason why hyperthermia is called fever is that there is no definition that differentiates between fever and hyperthermia and the lack of knowledge of what purpose of the temperature of fever [6]. Due to the lack of a unified definition of fever and hyperthermia and lack of knowledge about the purpose of fever temperature, physicians are forced to call increased temperature is fever, like hyperthermia, and both checked and treated the same [7].

According to any science or technology in the world today, fever and hyperthermia, which are from opposite sources and opposite to each other, cannot be checked with the same substances and treated with the same substances. So it is misleading to say Mild/low-grade fever, moderate grade fever, high grade fever, normal fever, and abnormal fever by looking at the temperature. Fever should be distinguished by looking at things that occur only when there is a fever. Prostaglandins PGE2, W neurons, C neurons, and TNF alpha, which increase and decrease only during fever, can be distinguished according to their severity into normal fever, moderate fever, and high fever. No such testing method exists today for fever alone.

Common fever or Normal fever is a vague term

As you are aware today, Fever is divided into 3 categories based on body temperature. There is no fever called Common fever or normal fever. If there is a common fever, there should also be an abnormal fever. If fever is a symptom of a disease, a normal fever means a normal symptom of a disease.

Misleading usage different types of fevers and viral fever

A common misconception is that there are many different types of fever. There are no signs, symptoms, signals, actions or their messages to tell that there are different types of fever. The inclusion of the word fever in the name of the disease without any criteria has led to the misunderstanding that there are different types of fevers. The name of the disease is animal, colour, mountain, river, and the word fever is added to the name, and the fever is portrayed as horrible, and with the help of the media, people are scared and misled, and exploited.

There are no different types of fever with names like dengue fever, yellow fever, and Japanese fever, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, West Nile fever, rheumatic fever, Relapsing fever, Rat-bite fever (sodoku), Haverhill fever, Typhoid fever, Rickettsia spotted fevers, Scarlet fever, Viral hemorrhagic fever, these are diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, etc. Most diseases that are named after the word fever do not always have a fever. In some diseases, up to 30% of infected patients do not develop fever. The symptoms, signs, signals, and actions of fever are the same in all types of diseases. But the symptoms, signs, and signals of different diseases are not the same. There are differences between them. Often they have nothing in common. The correct usage is to call the fever in the disease immune fever.

A high temperature during fever is called protective temperature or a more appropriate term is resistance temperature. Viral fever is not the correct term. It is not the virus that causes fever, it is the virus that causes the disease. It is our immune system that causes fever. We can see that it is written in the same medical book that our immune system causes fever and viruses and bacteria also cause fever. If fever is a symptom of a disease, the disease cannot be named by including the noun fever. Because viral fevers mean that the name of the disease is a symptom of the disease caused by the virus. The word containing the name of the disease caused by the virus is not found. Diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and accidents should not be named after fever, which causes the immune system to develop. A disease should be named either by the inclusion of the disease or by the name of the cause or occurrence of that disease alone

It is wrong to say that fever of unknown origin (FUO.PUO)

Fever of unknown origin was first described by Dr. Petersdorf and Dr. Beesom in 1961. FUO was defined as a temperature of 101oF (38.3ºC) or higher with a minimum duration of three weeks without an established diagnosis after an intensive one-week investigation in the hospital. If fever is a symptom of a disease, the name of the disease is called fever of unknown origin and it means symptom of disease of unknown cause.

No bacteria or virus is needed to cause fever

Any activity that significantly reduces blood flow and heat, the body's energy source, will increase inflammation in the body. Eating too much sterile ice cream, drinking too much cold water, lying in sterile cold water for long periods of time, or having a terrible fright (syncope) can reduce blood flow in the body and increase inflammation. The immune system will produce a fever during this time to increase blood flow.

No need to know the disease or the cause of the disease for diagnosing or treating fever

Fever is caused by reduced blood flow due to inflammation. we can create fever by decreasing blood flow in the body and fever can be reduced by increasing blood flow in the body. Because any infected person has inflammation in their body, their body swells quickly, blood flow decreases, and fever develops. If the disease is low blood circulation and severe inflammation, there will be no fever without this. In some diseases, no matter what tests are done, the cause and the disease are unknown. The correct usage is to call such a cause of disease a disease of Unknown Origin (DUO) and the name of such a disease as an Unknown Disease (UD).

Is it correct to say that febrile fits are caused by an increase in fever?

If we look at the science of fainting and regaining consciousness, we can see that fits are not caused by the temperature of a fever. A fever that increases blood flow does not cause fainting that occurs when blood flow is reduced. Fainting or fits or delirious or damage to the brain cells is not due to the increased temperature of fever. It is due to decrease in blood circulation to the brain. Delirious & fits formation in Disease. when the disease increases, essential blood circulation and energy level and blood pressure also decreases. The vertical height between the heart and brain is more than one foot. As the disease progresses, the ability to pump blood to the brain decreases. Then blood flow to the brain is reduced and delirium or fits occur. As a result, brain cells are damaged. Hence the patient may become paralyzed or die.

The science of recovery from fits. Consciousness appears even before the temperature of the fever drops. The vertical height between the heart and the brain when an unconscious patient is lying on the floor decreases. Hence the circulation to the brain increases and the fits are cured even before the temperature of the fever has time to subside.

Many people mistakenly believe that the return of consciousness is due to a decrease in temperature. Without knowing the purpose of fever, and without examining what actions were taken with the heat of fever, it is said that fits or delirious would happen due to increase in temperature of fever. Those who don't realize that fainting (fits) is caused by reduced blood flow to the brain use the word Febrile Fits to make fever look scary and use the media to scare and mislead people

Is it correct to say that if the fever increases it will turn into Pneumonia?

For many years, physicians have been telling patients that a high fever can lead to pneumonia and therefore to lower the temperature as soon as possible. To recognize the truth in this, let's first examine what pneumonia is. Pneumonia is considered by people as a deadly disease and the main reason for that is the Latin word pneumonia.

Pneumonia means inflammation of the lungs. Pulmonary edema caused by viruses is predominant. Apart from this, bacteria, fungi and bruises also cause edema. There are many chambers in the lungs. Water and mucus fill those cavities, causing shortness of breath and anemia. What we call a cold is phlegm in the lungs. Covid-19 was originally called Corona Virus Infected Pneumonia

It means inflammation of the lungs caused by the corona virus. Later, the World Health Organization changed the name to Corona Virus Disease 2019. Its acronym is Covid-19. There was no evidence that the fever had progressed to pneumonia. And there are no symptoms, signs, indications, actions or messages thereof. If fever is elevated temperature in the hypothalamus, then when the temperature is raised accordingly, it will never cause inflammation in the lungs.

Using thermal pads, hot water bags, heaters, and dryers to keep the body warmer than the fever temperature during fever does not cause inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia). Moreover, when heat is given in this way, inflammation in the lungs usually decreases. If there is pneumonia, there will be fever. But fever never turns into pneumonia. This means that when the blood flow is reduced due to inflammation in the lungs, our immune system creates a fever in order to increase the blood flow. Pneumonia will still be there. Without knowing the purpose of the fever, when taking paracetamol and water sponging, which increases inflammation, to reduce the temperature of the fever, the inflammation in the body increases. If paracetamol is taken again, the inflammation increases again. It is misunderstood that inflammation in the lungs is due to increased fever.

Fever turning into pneumonia is the biggest stupid thing in the world. If inflammation in the lungs is a disease, inflammation in other parts of the body can be a disease. Our immune system uses heatproducing substances called pyrogens to increase blood flow. According to a scientific law in the world today, substances that generate heat below 107 o F will never cause inflammation or increase inflammation, or become inflammation.Antipyretics will increase inflammation. It can cause illness and death. Therefore, patients with pneumonia should never take antipyretic drugs [8].

Is it true that paracetamol relieves fever and causes fever?

Medical books say that paracetamol can reduce fever and cause fever. No medicine can relieve fever and cause fever at the same time. Fever is said to be symptomatic. Paracetamol causes many diseases given for fever. We can read in the medical books the symptom of the disease caused by taking paracetamol for fever and the contradiction that it is fever.

Is it correct to say that if you take the medicine, the fever will go away within 7 days or a week?

All physicians say that fever is a symptom of diseases ranging from the common cold to cancer. Does cancer go away if fever subsides within 7 days? Can tuberculosis go away? No Those who know the science of fever can reduce the temperature of the fever within 20 minutes. It doesn't take days or weeks for the fever to subside.

science of fever can reduce the temperature of the fever within 20 minutes. It doesn't take days or weeks for the fever to subside.

Heat should be supplied from outside the body to the body and inside the body. Hot bathtubs, steam baths, sauna baths, hair dryers, thermal heat pads, hot water bags, hot sand, and anything else that gives heat can be used to provide heat from outside the body to the body. Each patient should be given a tolerable and preferred temperature. Warm water, tea, hot porridge, and easily digestible hot food can be used according to hunger and thirst to heat the body from outside to inside. Drink hot water boiled with pepper and ginger. Gargle your throat with warm salt water at a tolerable temperature. Those who apply heat using a hair dryer, thermal heat pad, hot water bag, and sand should apply heat several times until the body is comfortable and sweaty. When the body sweats when it is heated or it is covered with blankets, or it is steamed, the water reduces the temperature, so the sweaty water should be wiped off with a dry cloth. When the patient feels discomfort, lying in hot water, heating, steaming, and steam baths should be stopped. These should be done only when the patient likes it. Mechanisms should be made to prevent body heat from escaping. One should sit and lie down in a warm place where the temperature is above the fever temperature. Covering with wool or an insulated dress will reduce the rate of body heat loss.

A way to get heat from outside the body to every part of the body. Immerse yourself in warm water (tolerable) in a bathtub heated up to 107.6 o F from under the nose to full-foot immersion. As it heats up all parts of the body equally, the temperature of the fever will drop quickly with the increased blood flow. People who don't know what is causing the heat and discomfort of the fever say if you take the medicine, the fever will go away within 7 days or a week. Those who do not know what a fever is, distinguish between fever based on the number of days the temperature lasts

If the body is constantly exposed to antipyretic substances, if antipyretic substances are present in food, water, or medicine, the body becomes swollen and the fever lasts for weeks or months. In children with tonsillitis and in the immune-compromised elderly, ice water can induce a fever of up to 107.6o F within a few hours. Continued use of ice water can cause fits and death in them [9].

The word doctor means teacher. A name is to identify that category. The term doctor is currently used by three unrelated groups. The name Doctor was first used by Christian priests. Later, universities allowed those who earned a doctorate in any subject to use the word doctor before their name. But today a physician with a bachelor's degree is also used as a doctor in some countries. If the premise itself begins with misrepresentation, it will continue. There are many such words and expressions that are misused in the medical field. All of them cannot be described here due to space limitations. In any field of science, except in the field of medicine, if a mistake is pointed out, it will be corrected immediately.

How can we prove that usages related to fever is misleading?

If we ask any type of question-related to usages of fever by assuming that the words used in fever are misleading we will get a clear answer. If avoid or evade from this we will never get a proper answer to even a single question No further evidence is required to prove that the usages related to fever is misleading.


Recommended usages related to fever: A temperature between 104.1o F and 106 o F is hyperthermia, fever is not a symptom of any disease, Viral inflammation, Disease Of Unknown Origin (DUO), Inflammation Of Unknown Origin (IUO) paracetamol may cause disease, paracetamol increase inflammation, paracetamol decreases temperature, disease-causing medicines, inflammation-causing medicines, Fits affected due to decreased blood supply to the brain, the disease increased and the patient died, inflammation increased and the patient died, inflammation makes other diseases, , decreased blood circulation causes pneumonia, cells of brain will destroy due to decreased blood supply to the brain, mosquito spreads virus or bacteria or germs, inflammation patient, inflammation ward, inflammation epidemic, various types of diseases, all types of diseases, to find out the underlying cause of disease, inflammation disrupts homeostasis, ways to avoid inflammation, immunization against virus or bacteria, blood pressure will decrease at 125 states of disease, these correct usages lead away to the real truth. The common man easily understands, if they use these words, they never misunderstand.


I acknowledged to patients, authors of references, etc.
