Short Communication - Journal of Pediatric Neurological Disorders (2020) Volume 3, Issue 4
Oral Health at various ages
Prriya Porwal
The University of Jammu and Kashmir, India
Pediatric Oral Health is one of the key factors for the growth & development of a child since the time of the birth. A compromising state of oral health can hamper the well bieng of over all physical health, as the growth and develpment majorly is affected by the nutrition of the child. The oral care and concerns differs at different ages and this is important to be understood. A multidisciplinary apprach is the best way to make sure of the right way of child’s development. Hence, the role of Pediatricians and Pediatric dentists seem to be dependent on each other knowing or unknowingly. In this webinar, I shallbe talking about the different age groups that are affected by various oral habits and situations, and why is it important to rectify and/or prevent those practices.
Prriya Porwal has been practicing Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry since more than 5 years. She is experienced in handling special cases like infants with cleft lip and palate (Presurgical Naso Alveolar Moulding), Attention Deficit Hyperactive kids and developmental disabilities. Immense interest in the subject of psychology and non-pharmacological behavior management of children, encouraged her to seek training in Clinical Hypnotherapy. These combined skills and knowledge of Dr. Prriya Porwal makes the dental journey of parents and children, a smooth ride. She has got to her credit many publications in peer reviewed journals..