Mini Review - Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Clinical Practice (2023) Volume 6, Issue 2

Drug interaction between the Carbamazepine and phenytoin

Sam Candeloro*

Department of pharmaceuticals, McMaster University, Canada

*Corresponding Author:
Sam Candeloro
Department of pharmaceuticals, McMaster University, Canada

Received: 01-Apr-2023, Manuscript No. jprcp-23-95923; Editor assigned: 03-Apr-2023, PreQC No. jprcp-23- 95923(PQ); Reviewed: 17-Apr-2023, QC No. jprcp-23-95923; Revised: 24-Apr-2023, Manuscript No. jprcp-23-95923 (R); Published: 30-Apr-2023; DOI: 10.37532/ jprcp.2023.6(2).37-39


Carbamazepine and phenytoin are powerful inducers of compounds that process oral anticoagulants. to determine whether these anticonvulsants’ drug-drug interactions with oral anticoagulants have an effect on treatment with DOACs or vitamin K antagonists, as well as their clinical impact. Patients receiving carbamazepine or phenytoin in addition to anticoagulants had a significantly higher risk of developing thromboembolism. VKA patients and DOAC patients had similar rates of thrombotic and bleeding events. In 47% of the cases examined, DOAC levels were lower than anticipated and did not correlate with clinical outcomes.


Anticoagulants • Carbamazepine • Hemorrhage


Carbamazepine and phenytoin are powerful inducers of chemicals that metabolize drugs, counting the microsomal chemicals, cytochrome P (CYP) 1A2, 2C9, and 3A4, as well as the efflux transporter P‐glycoprotein (P‐gp). The digestion system of warfarin is primarily through CYP 2C9, though the coordinate verbal anticoagulants (DOACs) apixaban and rivaroxaban are somewhat subordinate on CYP 3A4 for their disposal. Edoxaban experiences exceptionally restricted CYP 3A4 digestion system (<10% of verbal measurements) to dynamic metabolites with anti‐Xa movement, not at all like apixaban and rivaroxaban, which don’t have dynamic circulating metabolites [1-3]. All DOACs are substrates for P‐gp. Hence, treatment with carbamazepine or phenytoin will speed up the end of all verbal anticoagulants. Since warfarin is observed with prothrombin time and the dosage is balanced to keep the universal normalized proportion (INR) within the restorative run, regularly INR 2.0–3.0, the antithrombotic impact ought to be kept up when patients are treated with carbamazepine or phenytoin, in spite of the fact that it may require a few time after start or dosage alter, sometime recently the modern balance has been accomplished. A across the country Swedish consider illustrated that comedication with carbamazepine and warfarin required on normal an increment of the measurements of warfarin of 49% to preserve helpful INR.

DOACs are given at a settled dosage, while a decreased measurement is utilized within the nearness of renal brokenness, progressed age, moo body weight, and/or concomitant CYP 3A4 inhibitors. For CYP 3A4/P‐gp inducers, the suggestion are to maintain a strategic distance from utilize of DOACs, and vitamin K opponents frequently ended up the default choice [4]. Case reports highlight the plausibility of moo DOAC levels in patients treated with rivaroxaban or apixaban who are taking carbamazepine but, when exchanged to edoxaban, a DOAC with negligible hepatic digestion system, satisfactory edoxaban levels have been observed.3 Be that as it may, the clinical noteworthiness of the interaction remains unclear. In an investigation of the US Nourishment and Medicate Organization (FDA) antagonistic occasion detailing framework, Perlman et al. distinguished 1423 ischemic or thrombotic reports among 9693 detailed occasions between 2013 and 2018 in patients that gotten coordinate calculate Xa inhibitors. It is unclear how the troubles to realize helpful INR with warfarin or how the potential for moo DOAC levels might influence clinical results in patients treated with already specified comedication [5- 7]. In addition, most of the already said considers analyzed information on distinctive sorts of anticonvulsants, so that gauges particularly for carbamazepine or phenytoin are still missing.

The Thrombosis Service at Hamilton General Hospital in Ontario, Canada, conducted this observational, retrospective, single-center study. The center follows approximately 2000 adult patients on warfarin and a variable number of patients on DOACs with complicating factors (such as concurrent treatment with potentially interfering drugs, obesity, high bleeding risk, and declining renal function). Stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation is the most common indication, followed by venous thromboembolism and mechanical heart valves (only vitamin K antagonists [VKAs]). All patients more established than 18 years on dynamic treatment with an anticoagulant (VKA or DOAC) and comedicated with carbamazepine or phenytoin were incorporated. The start of the concurrent treatment was defined as the index date, and it had to begin between January 1, 2012, and December 31, 2020. The absences of any followup or clinical data were the exclusion criteria.

Because of the review study plan, DOAC plasma levels were not methodicallly asked by the doctors. Levels were primarily performed since the understanding was on concomitant anticonvulsant treatment, every so often since the doctor was fascinated by intraindividual changeability over time, but never taking after a dying or thrombotic occasion or for declining clinical condition of the persistent. Any DOAC plasma levels collected as portion of clinical care were recovered [8]. As already published,8 DOAC plasma levels were measured with a particularly calibrated anti‐factor Xa measure (Fluid against Xa, Diagnostica Stago, Asnieressur‐ Seine, France) for apixaban, rivaroxaban, and edoxaban and a particular weaken thrombin time on a STA‐R Advancement coagulometer. In the outpatient clinic, patients were seen on a regular basis once a year and asked about thromboembolic or bleeding complications. Also, the electronic clinical records were explored for such results. Acute myocardial infarction, stroke, deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, and acute peripheral ischemia were all examples of thromboembolism that could be objectively verified. The International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis10 defined major bleeding and recorded deaths of any kind. Clinical results were caught from the file date and until the last enlightening visit recorded, or until one of the accompanying occasions: treatment with anticoagulants or anticonvulsants stopped, one of the clinical outcomes occurred, or until December 31, 2020. The follow‐up visit was viewed as enlightening in the event that both anticoagulant and anticonvulsant treatment were expressly detailed in the record.


In this retrospective cohort of patients taking carbamazepine or phenytoin with warfarin or DOACs, we found that (1) the TTR with warfarin was satisfactory, with potential enhancement with expanding measurements and time on warfarin; (2) DOAC levels were lower than the anticipated extend in 47% of patients tried, and rate of thrombotic occasions was tall, independent of the sort of anticoagulant; and the by and large rate of thrombotic occasions (3.8 per 100 persons‐years), major dying occasions, and all‐cause mortality (3.0 per 100 personyears) was comparable between patients on VKAs and DOACs. DOACs do not necessitate regular monitoring of coagulation, and there is still no standardization or agreement regarding the therapeutic plasma DOAC level ranges. Due to the small sample size, we were unable to draw any conclusions regarding the relationship between plasma DOAC levels and clinical outcomes or carbamazepine/phenytoin dose. However, we did compare the plasma DOAC levels to the expected range that was outlined in the most recent practical guide update issued by the European Heart Rhythm Association [9-10]. Sennesael and others discovered in a retrospective study that, out of seven patients treated with carbamazepine/phenytoin and DOACs, two had DOAC plasma levels below the expected range and five had normal levels18. These findings demonstrate that the measurement of plasma DOAC levels in patients treated with carbamazepine/phenytoin exhibits a great deal of variability. Taking into account the sensitivity of this laboratory analysis to both the subject and the time since drug administration.


Starting with the well-known pharmacological interaction between oral anticoagulants (both VKAs and DOACs) and carbamazepine/ phenytoin, we observed a higher-than-expected incidence of thrombotic events when the aforementioned medications were administered concurrently. Additionally, VKA and DOAC patients had similar rates of thrombotic and bleeding complications. The DOAC plasma levels tested were lower than expected in half of the cases. Neither the TTR nor the plasma levels appeared to be able to predict thromboembolic events in patients receiving VKAs or DOACs. In an ideal scenario, a prospective, sufficiently large study using a control group on the more recent AEDs would be required to verify these findings.

Conflict of interest

The authors declared that there is no conflict of interest.




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