Water Fluoride Level And Dental Impact Factor

The relationship between fluoride concentration in drinking water and dental caries may have occurred throughout history but was only reported scientifically in the early last century. The epidemiology of enamel fluorosis and its relationship to dental caries have a rich history from the 1900s. It serves as an example of the epidemiology's ability to discover significant health relationships and to determine the safety and efficacy of particular interventions well ahead of an understanding of the underlying mechanisms of action. A journal is a regular publication intended to advance science further, typically by reporting on new work. While some of the oldest journals publish articles , reviews, editorials, short correspondence, letters, and research papers in a broad variety of scientific fields, most journals are highly specialized. Journals contain articles reviewed by peers in an attempt to ensure that articles meet the quality and scientific validity standards of the journal. Each such article in the journal becomes a part of the permanent scientific record.

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