Top Modern Chemistry And Applications Journals

In these days science no longer needs justification as a subject worthy of man’s earnest devotion. The gain in exact knowledge of the forces and materials of the universe is recognized on all sides as bringing with it promise of incalculable benefit to humanity. The full importance of this new light, in its bearing upon the amelioration of the human lot, is only just beginning to be realized. In keeping with the increasing appreciation of the value of scientific research to humanity, there exists to-day among scientific men the effort to relate each particular science to every other, and to associate all together in a coherent whole, without losing sight of the need of accuracy in each part. The existence of such composite branches of study as physical chemistry, biochemistry, physiological botany, and so forth, are one indication of the broader outlook; and some of the greatest modern scientific advances are being made along the border lines between the different sciences. Nature is, after all, a unit, and our classifications of her closely related phenomena into special topics are partly arbitrary. This effort to relate the various sciences to one another is not only helpful to science as a whole, it is likewise beneficial to the individual worker. A man’s mental outlook must be broadened by an attempt to trace the relation of his special task to the manifold over activities and needs of humanity.    

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