Stage Of Lactation Open Access Journals

Lactation defines the milk secretion from the mammary glands, and the time a mother lactates to feed her young. Naturally, the process happens with all female mammals after pregnancy, though it predates mammals. The lactation is regulated by endocrines. Prolactin and oxytocin are the two main hormones involved. A lactation's chief function is to provide after-birth nutrition and immune protection for the young. Because of lactation, even if food is scarce or too difficult for the young to attain, the mother-child pair will survive, extending the environmental conditions the species will tolerate.The expensive and complex expenditure of energy and resources in milk is outweighed by the benefit to survival of offspring. There are three stages of lactation in which breast milk composition changes: Colostrum, Transitional Milk and Mature Milk. Supplements that contain antibodies that help infants fight off bacteria and virus.

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