Secondary Hypertension,blood Pressure,medical Disorder,endocrine System,portal Obesity, Cholesterol Control, Asthma Reduction, Thyroid Care, Angiotensin, Juvenile Obesity
Articles on secondary hypertension: Secondary elevated blood pressure (secondary heavy blood pressure) is excessive blood pressure from another medical disorder. Conditions that influence your kidneys, lungs, back, or endocrine system may cause secondary hypertension. During pregnancy also secondary
hypertension may occur. Journal of Secondary
Hypertension Open Access is an
Open Access publication which seeks to publish most full and accurate source of knowledge on the findings and new trends in the style of initial papers, summary studies , case reports, brief correspondence, etc. in all areas of the field and make them widely accessible by internet without any limitations or any other subscriptions to researchers worldwide. Researchers and
Hypertension Medical Leaders are urged to share groundbreaking theories in Free Peer-Review Articles. Blood pressure, cholesterol, portal obesity, cholesterol control,
asthma reduction, thyroid care, angiotensin, juvenile obesity,
hypertension therapy, triggers of asthma, etc.
Hypertension articles provide for fast publishing, and open debate can improve a particular topic 's transparency and distribution of knowledge. The fast and editorial bias-free publishing system will assist readers in accessing and disseminating knowledge to improve the scientific society.
Hypertension is classified into two main or essential groups of
hypertension and secondary hypertension. Primary
hypertension is defined as an unknown cause of rising blood pressure. Secondary
hypertension is the rise in blood pressure attributable to renal failure, endocrine failure, or some other organ. Less than five per cent of patients with
hypertension develop malignant hypertension.
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