Rectum Top Open Access Journals

The rectum establishes at the extent of the S3 (as a continuation of the sigmoid colon). It is macroscopically distinct from the colon, with an deficiency of taenia coli, haustra, and omentalappendices. There are also three lateral flexures (superior, intermediate and inferior), which are formed by transverse folds of the internal rectum wall. The definite segment of the rectum, the ampulla, relaxes to accumulate and temporarily store faeces until excrement occurs. It is continuous with the anal canal; which passes through the pelvic floor to finish because the anus.In the superior third of the rectum, the antecedent surface and lateral sides are covered by peritoneum. The middle third only has an anterior peritoneal covering, and therefore the lower 1/3 has no peritoneum relevant to it. In males, the reflection of peritoneum from the rectum to the posterior bladder wall forms the rectovesical pouch. In females, the peritoneum reflects to the posterior vagina and cervix, aquiring the rectouterinepouch.Venous drainage is via the corresponding superior, middle and inferior rectal veins. The admirable hemorrhoidal vein empties into the portal venous system, whilst the center and inferior rectal veins empty into the systemic venous system. Anastomoses between the portal and systemic veins are situated within the wall of anal canal, making this a site of portocaval anastomosis.    

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