Raw Milk

 Raw milk or unpasteurized milk is milk that has not been pasteurized, a process of heating liquid foods to kill pathogens for safe consumption and spreading the shelf life. Proponents of raw milk have specified that there are profits to its consumption, including better flavour b, better nutrition, and the building of a healthy immune system. However, the medical community has warned of the dangers, which comprise a risk of infection, and has not found any clear benefit. The obtainability and regulation of raw milk vary around the world. In the US, some dairies have embraced low-temperature vat pasteurization, which they say harvests a product similar to raw milk. Milk can be repasteurized, as is done when pasteurized milk is shipped from the US mainland to Hawaii, which can be done to spread the expiration date. Raw milk is milk that has not been change integrity to kill bacterium that might be harmful to humans. in spite of however fastidiously it's been created, milk could also be unsafe. it's necessary that you simply perceive the risks related to drinking milk and balance this risk against the claimed ‘benefits’.   If you drink milk, it will increase your risk of exploit numerous epithelial duct diseases, as well as those caused by microorganisms (bacteria, bugs, or germs) like enterobacteria spp., unhealthful E. coli, cocci aureus, Campylobacter jejuni, and Listeria monocytogenes.

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