Powder Metallurgy Online Journals

 The Journal embraces a wide range of materials and processes including classical "press-and-sinter" powder metallurgy, metal injection molding, metal additive manufacturing, and advanced particulate materials. Its editorial coverage features distinct aspects of the PM industry such as:   Case Study Annual MIM Technology Review Research and Technology Editorial Manager is a web manuscript submission, review and tracking systems.  The editorial board members of Journal of metallurgy & Mining starts the reviewing process or outside experts; at least two independent reviewers approval followed by editor approval is required for acceptance of any stable manuscript. Manuscript submission by the authors and track their progress through the system, hopefully to publication. Downloading manuscripts by reviewers and submit their opinions to the editor. Editors can manage the whole submission/review/revise/publish process. Diary of Powder Metallurgy and Mining is an Open Access diary and expects to distribute generally complete and dependable wellspring of data on the disclosures and current advancements in the method of unique articles, survey articles, case reports, short interchanges, and so forth in every aspect of the field and making them uninhibitedly accessible through online with no limitations or some other memberships to specialists around the world. Diary of Powder Metallurgy and Mining a scholastic diary gives a chance to share the data among the clinical researchers and specialists. Insightful Open Access diary plans to distribute generally complete and solid wellspring of data on the disclosures and current turns of events.

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