Physiology Science Journals

Human physiology is the science of mechanical, physical, and biochemical functions of normal humans or human tissues or organs. Physiology is the branch of biology that deals with the functioning of organs and organ systems, and how they work in the body to respond to challenges. This includes life from a single cell, which overlaps with biochemistry and molecular biology, through questions about how individual organs work (eg heart, lungs, kidneys) to the level of the whole organism, where physiologists handle questions about the effect of hormones on behavior and brain function. Therefore physiology has something to say about every aspect of life: our integrated approach makes physiologists invaluable contributors in studies ranging from genetics to psychology. Neuroscience is a branch of physiology, and this very important subdiscipline is included in Organism Physiology courses. In science today, there is a tendency to look downward rather than upward, at the molecular mechanism in preference to problems that are often less traceable caused by the system as a whole.  

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