
  Max Wallis and Chandra Wickramasinghe posed the question of existence in the Kuiper belt artifacts in a research paper which appeared in the current issue of this journal. Pluto's hazy images so far have come into far clearer focus after last month's closest approach to this dwarf planet by the New Horizon Spacecraft. Far from being a dead hard-frozen world, Pluto has revealed the most amazing set of characteristics – exceptionally low cratering levels, high mountains and smooth plains, and a network of surface cracks. According to the scientists, the presence of pigments (colours), organic molecules and methane also leads to subsurface biology. Because of radiogenic heat sources augmented by the metabolic heat of microbial activity, bodies of water tens of kilometers below the frozen surface could be maintained warm and liquid. Wickramasinghe told the journal "There's every indication that Pluto's crust evolution, including mountain building episodes, was largely controlled by biology. The writers conclude: "The New Horizons project meets hopes when it comes to launching astrobiological explorations of the outer dwarf planets." The RAS 'official strategy is to "focus on high-quality papers by thorough peer review and to include free publishing where possible." Authors are not charged for MNRAS publishing, with subscriptions meet the cost of publications. MNRAS offers a kind of open access by giving writers the opportunity to pay for publication, enabling free access for all without charge (hybrid open access model). As part of their membership benefits, RAS fellows are given free online access to the RAS journals.  

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