
 Hydrogeology (hydro- that means water, and -geology that means the study of the Earth) is that the space of earth science that deals with the distribution and movement of groundwater within the soil and rocks of the Earth's crust (commonly in aquifers). It's typically remarked as geo-hydrology or groundwater geophysical science. Hydrogeology deals with however water gets into the bottom (recharge), however it flows within the subterranean (through aquifers) and the way groundwater interacts with the encircling soil and rock (the geology).The terms groundwater geophysical science, geohydrology, and hydrogeology area unit typically used interchangeably.Groundwater engineering, another name for hydrogeology, may be a branch of engineering that worries with groundwater movement and style of wells, pumps, and drains.The main issues in groundwater engineering embody groundwater contamination, conservation of provides, and water quality.Wells area unit created to be used in developing nations, also as to be used in developed nations in places that aren't connected to a town water system. Wells should be designed and maintained to uphold the integrity of the geological formation, and to stop contaminants from reaching the groundwater. disputation arises within the use of groundwater once its usage impacts surface water systems, or once human action threatens the integrity of the native geological formation system.

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