High Impact Factor Journals On Heart Attack

 A heart attack happens by blocking the passage of blood into the heart. Very commonly, blockage is an accumulation of fat, cholesterol, and other substances forming a plaque in the arteries that support the heart (coronary arteries). In the end, the plaque breaks apart and forms a clot. The blood flow disrupted can harm or kill a part of the heart muscle. There are clear symptoms of a heart attack which require immediate health care. Some potential signs and symptoms of a heart attack happening are as follows: coughing nausea vomiting crippling chest pressure dizziness shortness of breath termed dyspnea face looking grey in color a sensation of fear that life ends feeling terrible, usually clammy sense of restlessness and sweating shortness of breath Changing posture does not relieve the discomfort of a heart attack. The pain that a person experiences is generally continuous while often it can come and go. As heart attacks can be fatal, it is vital to recognize the warning signs that an attack is occurring.  

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