Head, Neck And Skin Cancer Scientific Journals

The majority of skin cancers of the head and neck are non-melanoma skin cancers (NMSC). Basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma are the most frequent types of NMSC. Malignant melanoma is an aggressive neoplasm of skin, and the ideal adjuvant therapy has not yet been found, although various options for treatment of skin cancer are available to the patient and physician, allowing high cure rate and excellent functional and cosmetic outcomes. Sunscreen protection and early evaluation of suspicious areas remain the first line of defense against skin cancers. Skin cancer is malignant in nature. The basic reasons causing cancer are exposure to radiation, heavy metals etc. Head cancer and neck: mostly bcc cancer is observed in head and neck. Radiotherapy and chemotherapy play an important role in controlling cancer. Online Journals are scholarly and peer reviewed journals. The journals provide forum and motivates scientists, researchers, academics, engineers, and practitioners in all aspects to share their professional and academic knowledge in the fields computing, engineering, humanities, economics, social sciences, management, medical science, and related disciplines. Online Journals also aims to reach a large number of readers worldwide with original and current research work completed on the vital issues of the above important disciplines. The journals permit all readers to read, view, download and print the full-text of all published articles without any subscription or restrictions.