
 In the near future, it's likely that wireless sensor networks (WSNs) become a serious technology for the sensing in several application areas. one among the most challenges in WSNs is that the secure routing of knowledge through the network. this is often resulting from the very fact that WSNs are normally deployed in unattended or maybe hostile environments. While in previous couple of years the routing approaches were mainly focussing on metrics like robustness, energy preservation, etc., recently, different security solutions came to the fore that were taking also the safety issues in WSNs under consideration . during this paper, differing types of attacks on the routing layer of WSNs are investigated. supported these findings, future prospects are discussed and final conclusions are going to be drawn. International Journal of Sensor Networks and Data Communications is one among the simplest peer reviewed journals in telecommunications. The digital peer reviewed journal covers the novel and current scientific studies happening across universities and research centres in various parts of the planet . Using telecommunications, better access to agricultural extension services like prompt information on improved seeds, availability of fertilizers, meteorology and pest control are often achieved. Telecommunications enables easier access to government and wider awareness of government programmes and activities, increased patrolling and monitoring of border villages and towns, wider access to education resources, especially through distance learning etc.