Embryonic Neural Precursor Cell-ScholarlyJournal

RG cells appear through differentiation of precursor cells referred to as “neuroepithelial cells” that originally form the walls of the ectoderm. Neuroepithelial precursor cells arise from the ectoderm early in development and are recognizable by their radial alignment and bipolar morphology—one process of the cell contacts the lumen of the ventricle, and therefore the second process usually contacts the pail meninges. Neuroepithelial cells have the potential to undergo self-renewing symmetric divisions that increase the dimensions of the precursor cell pool in early stages of development while forming the neural plate. After closure of the ectoderm, neuroepithelial cells begin to up regulate glial specific factors, at which point they're thought to rework into RG cells and acquire the potential to get neurons and glia. This cellular transformation is clear at the morphological level by the lengthening of the cellular process that contacts the pial meninges, which we ask as “pial fiber,” and which is additionally mentioned as “basal process.” RG cells located within the VZ are now considered to be the first NPC in many regions of the developing brain. Within the dorsal forebrain primary RG cells within the VZ are often identified by expression of the nuclear transcription factor Pax6 and lack of expression for extra transcription factors like Tbr2.    

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