Carpal Tunnel Syndrome_

  Carpal tunnel syndrome could be a common condition that causes pain, numbness, and tingling within the hand and arm. The condition happens once one in every of the most important nerves to the hand — the median nerve — is squeezed or compressed because it travels through the carpus. Carpal tunnel syndrome happens once the tunnel becomes narrowed or once tissues close the flexor muscle tendons swell, golf stroke pressure on the median nerve. These tissues have a square measure known as the synovial membrane. Normally, the synovial membrane lubricates the tendons, creating it easier to maneuver your fingers.When the synovial membrane swells, it takes up house within the carpal tunnel and, over time, crowds the nerve. This abnormal pressure on the nerve may result in pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness within the hand.In most patients, carpal tunnel syndrome gets worse over time, therefore early identification and treatment square measure are necessary. Early on, symptoms will usually be eased with straightforward measures like carrying a carpus splint or avoiding bound activities.If pressure on the median nerve continues, however, it will cause nerve harm and worsening symptoms. to stop permanent harm, surgery to require pressure off the median nerve could also be counseled for a few patients.risk factors for carpal tunnel syndrome embody Heredity,Repetitive hand use,Hand and carpus position,Pregnancy and Health conditions.Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome might embody Numbness, tingling, burning, and pain—primarily within the thumb and index, middle, and ring fingers,Occasional shock-like sensations that radiate to the thumb and index, middle, and ring fingers,Pain or tingling which will travel up the forearm toward the shoulder,Weakness and clumsiness within the hand—this might create it tough to perform fine movements like buttoning your garments,Dropping things—due to weakness, numbness, or a loss of interoception (awareness of wherever your hand is in space)