Carcinogenesis Articles

 Carcinogenesis involves ongoing mutations that lead to the formation of a malignant mass of disordered cells compared to that of the normal tissue. The mutation occurs at the genetic level and thus has devastating effects. Mutations result in faulty codon allowing a faulty protein to develop. The protein is either found to be premature or truncated, or the enzyme 's functional side is altered which results in defective protein. Therefore, there is a change in the signaling mechanism at the end and consequently an abnormal growth of the cells. When this type of mutation happens in the cells of the germ line the offspring inherit the mutation while the somatic mutations are not heritable. Open access to writing allows easy access to the scientific articles, these publications are freely accessible to the readers and the publishers are paid to pay for the post. Carcinogenesis Free publications are those publications that are publicly accessible and describe the cause and the mechanisms of treatment for various cancers.

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