Bio-Organic Chemistry Innovations

 Bioorganic chemistry is a fast growing scientific discipline that combines organic chemistry and biochemistry. It is that division of life science that contracts with the study of biological processes using chemical methods. Protein and enzyme function are samples of these processes.  Sometimes biochemistry is used interchangeably for bioorganic chemistry; the distinction being that bioorganic chemistry is organic chemistry that is attentive on the biological aspects. While biochemistry aims at understanding biological processes using chemistry, bioorganic chemistry efforts to expand organic-chemical researches (that is, structures, synthesis, and kinetics) toward biology. When examining metalloenzymes and cofactors, bioorganic chemistry overlaps bioinorganic chemistry. Biophysical organic chemistry is a tenure used when attempting to describe intimate details of molecular recognition by bioorganic chemistry. Natural product chemistry is the procedure of Identifying compounds found in nature to determine their properties. Compound discoveries have and often lead to medicinal uses, expansion of herbicides and insecticides.

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