Biological Agents Articles

Biological agents are widely found within the natural environment and as a result found in many work sectors. They include bacteria, viruses, fungi (including yeasts and moulds) and internal human parasites (endoparasites). The majority of those agents are harmless however some may have potential to cause unhealthiness . In the workplace, susceptibility to biological agents can be: Intentional, whereby the worker works directly with them, for instance , during a laboratory or research center , or unintentional, whereby the employee is exposed to the biohazard thanks to the work they are doing , for instance , a healthcare worker who is exposed to a blood borne virus, a laundry worker who receives a needlestick injury or a farmer who is exposed to an disease which will also affect humans (a zoonose). Articles are smaller than journals and written about accurate and very specific topics. A journal may be a collection of articles (like a magazine) that's published regularly throughout the year. Journals present the foremost recent research, and journal articles are written by experts, for experts.    

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