Acupuncture New Findings Scholarly Journal
Acupuncture is a form of treatment in which very thin needles are inserted through certain areas of the body through a person's skin at different depths. The
acupuncture point is considered as a place where nerves, muscles and connective tissue can be stimulated. Stimulation increases blood circulation and at the same time triggers the body's natural pain relief activity. The acupuncturist will examine the patient and assess his condition, insert one or thinner, sterile needles and give advice on self-medication or other additional therapies such as Chinese herbs. An acupuncturist inserts needles into a person's body to balance their energy. This is said to help improve well-being and cure several illnesses. Conditions used include various types of pain, such as headaches, blood pressure problems, and whooping cough.
Acupuncture needles are usually made of stainless steel, which makes it flexible and protects it from rust or damage.
Acupuncture is generally safe if practiced by well-trained practitioners with clean and disposable needles.
Acupuncture is usually only used in combination with other forms of treatment.
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