Citations Report

Clinical Practice : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Clinical Practice have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world.

Clinical Practice has got h-index 29, which means every article in Clinical Practice has got 29 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Clinical Practice.

  2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016

Year wise published articles

50 27 55 66 38 13

Year wise citations received

494 462 352 277 260 226
Journal total citations count 3847
Journal impact factor 12.24
Journal 5 years impact factor 8.50
Journal cite score 10.62
Journal h-index 29
Journal h-index since 2018 21
Journal Impact Factor 2020 formula
IF= Citations(y)/{Publications(y-1)+ Publications(y-2)} Y= Year
Journal 5-year Impact Factor 2020 formula
Citations(2016 + 2017 + 2018 + 2019 + 2020)/
{Published articles(2016 + 2017 + 2018 + 2019 + 2020)}
Journal citescore
Citescorey = Citationsy + Citationsy-1 + Citationsy-2 + Citations y-3 / Published articlesy + Published articlesy-1 + Published articlesy-2 + Published articles y-3
  • Jing Z, Jiyue Q, Zhentang X, Fusheng W, Wenhua H, Yajuan M. (2011) A new anti - deep fungal infection drug - echinodermycin. Anti - infective medicine. 2011; 8 (1): 8-10. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar
  • Mojtahedzadeh M, Rouini MR, Kajbaf F, Najafi A, Ansari G, et al. (2008) Advantage of adjunct metformin and insulin therapy in the management of glycemia in critically ill patients. Evidence for nonoccurrence of lactic acidosis and needing to parenteral metformin. Arch Med Sci, 4(2), pp.174-181.

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  • Sarkhail P, Abdollahi M, Fadayevatan S, Shafiee A, Mohammadirad A, et al. (2010) Effect of Phlomis persica on glucose levels and hepatic enzymatic antioxidants in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Pharmacognosy magazine, 6(23), p.219.

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  • Zaragoza R, Pemán J (2012) Opciones terapéuticas para el tratamiento antifúngico en el paciente crítico. Revista Iberoamericana de Micología 29: 108-113.

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  • Screening of the new source of echinodermycin B deacylase producing bacteria and optimization of the transformation conditions. Chinese antibiotics, Chinese herbal medicine, Chinese herbal medicine, Chinese herbal medicine, Magazine  449-54.

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  • Pourkhalili N, Pournourmohammadi S, Rahimi F, Vosough-Ghanbari S, Baeeri M, et al. (2009) Comparative effects of calcium channel blockers, autonomic nervous system blockers, and free radical scavengers on diazinon-induced hyposecretion of insulin from isolated islets of Langerhans in rats. Archives of Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology, 60(2), pp.157-164.

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  • Mohseni-Salehi-Monfared SS, Habibollahzadeh E, Sadeghi H, Baeeri M and Abdollahi M, 2010. Efficacy of Setarud (IMOD™), a novel electromagnetically-treated multi-herbal compound, in mouse immunogenic type-1 diabetes. Arch Med Sci, 6(5), pp.663-669.

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  • Pigatto MC, Uchoa FT, Costa TD (2009) Farmacocinética dos novos antifúngicos de uso sistêmico utilizados em pacientes imunocomprometidos. Revista Brasileira de Farmacologia 90:86-94.

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  • Tabatabaei-Malazy O, Larijani B and Abdollahi M, 2015. Targeting metabolic disorders by natural products. Journal of Diabetes & Metabolic Disorders, 14(1), p.57.

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  • González MC, González JC (2008) Nueva aportación en terapia antifúngica: Anidulafungina. Aspectos farmacológicos de la anidulafungina. Revista Iberoamericana de Micología 25: 92-100.

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  • Safavi M, Foroumadi A and Abdollahi M, 2013. The importance of synthetic drugs for type 2 diabetes drug discovery. Expert opinion on drug discovery, 8(11), pp.1339-1363.

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  • González MC, González JC (2008) Nueva aportación en terapia antifúngica: Anidulafungina. Aspectos farmacológicos de la anidulafungina. Revista Iberoamericana de Micología 25: 92-100.

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  • Hirst JA, Farmer AJ, Feakins BG, Aronson JK and Stevens RJ, (2015) Quantifying the effects of diuretics and β‐adrenoceptor blockers on glycaemic control in diabetes mellitus–a systematic review and meta‐analysis. British journal of clinical pharmacology, 79(5), pp.733-743. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar
  • González MC, González JC (2008) Nueva aportación en terapia antifúngica: Anidulafungina. Aspectos farmacológicos de la anidulafungina. Revista Iberoamericana de Micología 25: 92-100.

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  • Billaud EM (2007) Interactions métaboliques des antifongiques azolés. Journal de Mycologie Médicale/Journal of Medical Mycology 17: 168-176.

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  • Shukla PK, Singh P, Yadav RK, Pandey S, Bhunia SS (2016) Past, Present, and Future of Antifungal Drug Development 1-43.

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  • Peter T, Bissinger R, Liu G, Lang F (2016) Anidulafungin-Induced Suicidal Erythrocyte Death. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 38: 2272-2284.

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  • Rezvanfar MA, Saeedi S, Mansoori P, Saadat S, Goosheh M, et al. 2016. Dual targeting of TNF-α and free radical toxic stress as a promising strategy to manage experimental polycystic ovary. Pharmaceutical biology, 54(1), pp.80-90.

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  • Radfar M and Abdollahi M, 2015. Pharmacotherapy in Endocrinology: Diabetes, Obesity, and Hyper¬ lipidemia-Review Article. Iranian Journal of Public Health, 43(1), pp.49-63. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar
  • Karabacak M, Dogan A, Tayyar S and Bas HA, 2015. The effects of carvedilol and nebivolol on oxidative stress status in patients with non-ischaemic heart failure. Kardiologia polska, 73(3), pp.201-206.

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  • Patel S, Alangaden GJ, Lum LG, Cronin SM, Abidi MH, et al. (2009) Immediate cross-hypersensitivity between Micafungin and Caspofungin: A case report. Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice.

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  • Radi S, Abdolsamadi H, Ranjbar A, Rafieian N, Borzoei S, et al. 2015. Evaluation of Salivary Level of Paraoxonase and Total Antioxidant Capacity in Type II Diabetic Subjects. Scientific Journal of Hamadan University of Medical Sciences, 22(2), pp.114-121.

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  • Elisa HP, The Response of Nadiska Yatnak Matt Tifraz and Zanuskarap Mesnak Nazim Aroub Awn Abandoning Habib by Naramib D.

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  • Naderimanesh E, JahanbakhshKadehkahriz S and Mohammadkhani A, 2012. Saliva Protein Composition: An Approach to Study Biomarkers. Govaresh, 17(2), pp.98-108.

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  • Fanos VA, Antonucci RO, Mussap MI, Zaffanello MA. Drug-induced nephrotoxicity in the newborn: the state of the art. Pediatr Drugs.
  • Coulter KS, Bariola JR, 2014 Current antifungal agents for treatment of central nervous system infections. Current Fungal Infection Reports 8: 146-152.

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  • del Palacio A (2008) Anidulafungina: nueva equinocandina para el tratamiento de micosis. Revista Iberoamericana de Micología 25: 74-77.

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  • Krishnan BR, James KD, Polowy K, Bryant BJ, Vaidya A, et al. 2016. CD101, a novel echinocandin with exceptional stability properties and enhanced aqueous solubility. The Journal of Antibiotics.

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  • Blanchard EJ, Samuel R, Chatila W (2010) Antimicrobials. InCritical Care Study Guide 1112-1134.

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  • Stevens DA, 2012. Advances in systemic antifungal therapy. Clinics in dermatology, 30(6), pp.657-661.

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  • Tverdek FP, Kofteridis D, Kontoyiannis DP (2016) Antifungal agents and liver toxicity: a complex interaction. Expert review of anti-infective therapy 14: 765-776.

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  • Tada R, Latge JP, Aimanianda V (2013) Undressing the fungal cell wall/cell membrane-the antifungal drug targets. Current pharmaceutical design 19: 3738-3747.

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  • Guinea J and Prieto J, 2012. Effect of protein binding on the activity of voriconazole alone or combined with anidulafungin against Aspergillus spp. using a time-kill methodology.

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  • Fiori B, Posteraro B, Torelli R, Tumbarello M, Perlin DS (2011) Fadda G, Sanguinetti M. In vitro activities of anidulafungin and other antifungal agents against biofilms formed by clinical isolates of different Candida and Aspergillus species. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy 55: 3031-3035.

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  • Auzinger G, 2011. Invasive candidiasis following liver transplantation and surgical complications. Mycoses, 54(s4), pp.4-7.

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  • Auzinger G, 2011. Invasive candidiasis following liver transplantation and surgical complications. Mycoses, 54(s4), pp.4-7.

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  • Forrest G (2007) Hasta izleminde antifungal duyarlılık testlerinin rolü. Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases 2: 17-25.

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  • González JC, González MC, Gil CL (2008) Utilidad clínica de la anidulafungina en el tratamiento de las candidiasis esofágicas, candidemias y candidiasis invasoras. Revista Iberoamericana de Micología 25: 107-118.

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  • Grillot R (2007) Anidulafungine: activité in vitro sur les levures et les champignons filamenteux d’intérêt clinique. Réanimation 16: 261-266.

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  • Tao-ling M,Hai-feng H,Bao-quan Z (2010) Stability of Echinodermicin Compounds in Fermentation Extracts. Chinese Journal of Pharmaceutical Industry 41: 257-260.

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  • Lanternier F, Lortholary O (2010) Anidulafungine: une nouvelle option thérapeutique dans les candidoses systémiques. Médecine et maladies infectieuses 40: 440-448.

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  • Pemán J, Almirante B (2008) Avances en el diagnóstico y tratamiento de las infecciones por levaduras: papel de los nuevos antifúngicos. Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clínica 26: 38-46.

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  • Kumar R, Lu Y, Elliott AG, Kavanagh AM, Cooper MA, Davis RA (2016) Semi‐synthesis and NMR spectral assignments of flavonoid and chalcone derivatives. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry 54: 880-886.

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  • Xu J, Chen Y, Ji X, Gao X, Liu S, et al. (2013) Shanghai Techwell Biopharmaceutical Co., Ltd., assignee. Mutagenized strain of Glarea lozoyensis and a method of preparing a compound from the mutagenized strain.

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  • Harms H (2015) New bioactive metabolites from the marine-derived fungus Dichotomomyces cejpii and their pharmacological relevance (Doctoral dissertation, University of Bonn).

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