Virtual Engineering Articles Open Access

The key components of such an environment include:User-cantered virtual reality visualization techniques. Coupled with an appropriate expert (e.g., a design engineer, a plant engineer, or a construction manager), computer game can reduce design time for better solutions.Today nearly all aspects of power station simulation require extensive off-line setup, calculation, and iteration. The time required for each iteration can range from one day to several weeks. This is particularly crucial in the context of globalization where companies are operating internationally and sharing data is a necessity. In addition, the classic design process of design work of a mechanical part or system that's characterized by sequential activities is understood to form the time to plug very long and does not fit todays production philosophy. As a result, 3D model based computer simulations are now common practices in industry, while research on exploration of the analytical aspects of design process and the way the planning data is integrated to serve in various stages of the merchandise lifecycle is lacking. Though 3D modeling capabilities in virtual space have enabled design visualization, design modification is mostly done with support for virtual simulation in real time,particularly in making significant added value for complex applications, only virtual design technology is fully utilized.