Tuberculosis Infection

 The most frequent form of the disease that affects the lungs is known as tuberculosis. Tuberculosis in children is problematic to identify, even in its pulmonary form; children infrequently produces sputum, so sputum smear investigation can therefore not be used to obtain microbiological proof, which is the keystone of diagnosis in adults. It is therefore diagnosed using a systematic approach whereby a number of clinical signs are interpreted. Tuberculosis is contagious because the bacteria is easily spread from an infected person to someone else by breathing in air droplets from a cough or sneeze of an infected person. The resulting lung infection is called primary TB and most of the people recover from primary Tuberculosis infection without further evidence of the disease but the infection may stay dormant for years. Maximum people who develop signs of a TB infection first became infested in the past. In few cases, the sickness becomes active within weeks after the primary infection.  

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