Top Open Access Journals In Hematopoietic Stem-cells
Hematopoietic stem
cells (HSC) are characterized by their extensive self-renewal capacity and pluripotency. The probabilities of asymmetric versus symmetric division of HSC can be stochastically determined or influenced by external signals. There are many in vitro systems involving either bone marrow stromal support or provision of a combination of recombinant
hematopoietic growth factors or both that can maintain HSC proliferation and differentiation over many weeks. However, the goal of significant expansion of the HSC population in vitro has proved more elusive. There has been an explosive increase in knowledge of the cellular and molecular bases of HSC regulation with the identification of pathways implicating Notch, Wnt, and Hedgehog as well as the cytokine signaling through the c-Kit, Flt3, IL-6-R, mpl, and Tie-2 receptors and downstream pathways involving Jak/STAT and homeobox proteins. There is considerable redundancy in pathways regulating HSC, and both additive and synergistic interactions between different pathways determine the balance between self-renewal and differentiation. With the identification of specific niches within the bone marrow, including endosteal and endothelial, it is now recognized that intimate interactions between HSC and regulatory components of the marrow microenvironment (osteoblasts, osteoclasts, granulocytes, mesen-chymeal cells, endothelium) determine HSC proliferative status, pool size, differentiation, and mobilization.
High Impact List of Articles
The Role of Connexin 43 in Vascular Cognitive Diseases
Xiaojing Li, Yijie Wu, Yamin Wang, Man Luo, Lingli Yang, Xia Zhang
Review Article: Neuropsychiatry
The Role of Connexin 43 in Vascular Cognitive Diseases
Xiaojing Li, Yijie Wu, Yamin Wang, Man Luo, Lingli Yang, Xia Zhang
Review Article: Neuropsychiatry
Default Model Network Mechanism in Current and Remitted Depression
Qin Dai, Xuntao Yin, Jian Huang, Hong Li, Jian Wang, Zhengzhi Feng
Research Article: Neuropsychiatry
Default Model Network Mechanism in Current and Remitted Depression
Qin Dai, Xuntao Yin, Jian Huang, Hong Li, Jian Wang, Zhengzhi Feng
Research Article: Neuropsychiatry
Depression and Inflammation: Disentangling a Clear Yet Complex and Multifaceted Link
Giovanni Amodeo, Maria Allegra Trusso, Andrea Fagiolini
Review Article: Neuropsychiatry
Depression and Inflammation: Disentangling a Clear Yet Complex and Multifaceted Link
Giovanni Amodeo, Maria Allegra Trusso, Andrea Fagiolini
Review Article: Neuropsychiatry
Psychopathology and Psychiatric Disorders in Psychiatric Out-patients with Migraine Headache
Shakya DR
Research Article: Neuropsychiatry
Psychopathology and Psychiatric Disorders in Psychiatric Out-patients with Migraine Headache
Shakya DR
Research Article: Neuropsychiatry
A diagnostic dilemma between psychosis, neuroleptic malignant syndrome and encephalitis
Anupam Verma, Angharad Ruttley
Case Report: Neuropsychiatry
A diagnostic dilemma between psychosis, neuroleptic malignant syndrome and encephalitis
Anupam Verma, Angharad Ruttley
Case Report: Neuropsychiatry
Does early diagnosis and treatment of schizophrenia lead to improved long-term outcomes?
Mark Agius, Sophie Butler,Clare Holt
Management Perspectives: Neuropsychiatry
Does early diagnosis and treatment of schizophrenia lead to improved long-term outcomes?
Mark Agius, Sophie Butler,Clare Holt
Management Perspectives: Neuropsychiatry
From virtual reality to interreality in the treatment of anxiety disorders
Claudia Repetto, Giuseppe Riva
Meeting Report: Neuropsychiatry
From virtual reality to interreality in the treatment of anxiety disorders
Claudia Repetto, Giuseppe Riva
Meeting Report: Neuropsychiatry
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