Top Indexed Journals In Organ Transplantation

 Organ transplantation is one of the significant techniques used in the healthcare industry. organ transplantation is defined as the transfer of an organ from one place to another place. organ transplantation helps to improve the lifespan of the organ and provide a better life for the patients. Organ transplantation is classified into two types known as autografts and allografts. Autografts are the transfer of an organ from one place to another place within the same body. The allograft is the transfer of organs between two individuals. There are many organs that have been transplanted from one individual to the other individual. Kidney, lungs, liver, heart are the few organs that have been transmitted commonly.  The journal is a peer-reviewed journal with the top indexing factors that support the research article in the field of organ transplantation. The article publishing in the journals should meet the journal's standard with the quality of the research paper. The articles should be elaborate in detail with the materials, method, discussion, and results.  

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