Thyroid Therapy Review Journals

Many people have a thyroid that cannot make enough hormone for the body’s needs. This is called Hypothyroidism and should be caused by a nonfunctioning thyroid. Hypothyroidism is that the commonest reason for needing hormone replacement. The goal of hormone treatment is to closely replicate normal thyroid functioning. Pure, synthetic thyroxine works within the same way as a patient’s own hormone would. Thyroid hormone is important for the health of all the cells within the body. Therefore, taking hormone is different from taking other medications, because its job is to exchange a hormone that is missing. The only safety concerns about taking thyroid hormone are taking too much or too little. Your thyroid function will be monitored by your physician to make sure this does not happen. If your thyroid has been removed, your body can not make the hormone it needs. You will be got to take hormone pills to exchange the natural hormone and help maintain normal metabolism and possibly lower your risk of the cancer returning. Normal thyroid function is regulated by the pituitary gland. The pituitary makes a hormone called TSH that causes the thyroid gland to make thyroid hormone for the body. TSH also promotes growth of the thyroid and doubtless of thyroid cancer cells. The level of TSH, in turn, is regulated by what proportion hormone is within the blood. If the extent of hormone is low, the pituitary makes more TSH. If the extent of hormone is high, not the maximum amount TSH is required, therefore the pituitary makes less of it.

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