Rasayana Therapy
Rasayana is an Ayurvedic therapy for rejuvenation that helps maintain and promote health. Essentially, Rasayana means
nutrition at all levels, from macro to microcellular. Rasayana therapy replenishes the body's vital fluids; boosts the ojas (vital life-force) and the immune system, thus keeping away from diseases and preventing advanced-age ill effects. Rasayana brings about Rasadhatu normalcy and thus keeps other dhatus(body tissues) in balance for a longer period of time. Ayurveda is the world 's ancient system of Medicine. The life science, Ayurved, deals with all aspects of life. Ayurveda has two objectives, i.e., prevention and
health promotion and, secondly, disease cure. Rasayana may be employed to fulfill both. Rasayana therapy was described as a systematic and scientific discipline in Ayurved medicine. Rasayana
drugs are those medicines that can impart superior Rasas and Dhatus to the body and tonify the healthy person system. Rasayana helps to increase natural immunity, improve general well-being, improve the functioning of all of the body 's fundamental organs and keep the signs of early ageing at bay. Rasayana therapy's main purpose is to impede the
aging process and delay the degenerative process within the body. Rasayana is the term given to specific herbs, fruits or any other form of medication known to promote
health and longevity in the positive. It is becoming increasingly realized that many of today's diseases are due to "oxidative stress" resulting from an imbalance between free radical formation and neutralization. Numerous studies suggest that Ashwagandha and Guduchi can help prevent
oxidative stress and premature aging.
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