Perifollicular Micro Inflammation Review Articles:

Androgens, genetic susceptibility, chronic inflammation, and oxidative stress, internal and external environmental triggers such as ultraviolet light, pollutants, aging, and drugs for hair loss are fnasteride and minoxidil in men and only minoxidil in women. The reason for lack of sustained, comprehensive, efficacious, and side effect-free therapies to date, may be the under appreciation of the impact and interplay of the multiple factors that influence the immunology and signalling pathways that regulate hair follicle biology. As dermatologists we’ve traditionally segmented hair loss according to distinct causes and morphology, inflammatory vs. non-inflammatory, genetic vs. acquired, scarring vs. non-scarring, androgen-mediated vs. not. This view has led to the design and development of drugs that target only single mechanisms, as exemplified by fnasteride that inhibits production of dihydrotestosterone (DHT). However, recent research suggests that hair loss is multi-factorial and there may be more similarities than differences across the hair loss disorder spectrum. There is mounting evidence that just like most mutagenic, chronic systemic and cutaneous disorders; hair loss is the result of an accumulation of multiple factors – genetic and environmental – that lead to the final molecular pathophysiology resulting in dysregulation of signalling pathways and inappropriate immune and inflammatory responses. 

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