Open Access Biological Engineering Journals

 Biological engineering is associate rising discipline that encompasses engineering theory and apply connected to and derived from the science of biology, even as engineering and applied science area unit stock-still in physics and chemical engineering in chemistry. Topical areas embody, however don't seem to be restricted to:     Synthetic biology and cellular style Biomolecular, cellular and tissue engineering Bioproduction and metabolic engineering Biosensors Ecological and environmental engineering Biological engineering education and also the biodesign method As the official journal of the Institute of Biological Engineering, Journal of Biological Engineering provides a home for the time from biological informatics, molecules and cells, product formation, wastes and rectification, and academic advances in info content and pedagogy at the college man and graduate-levels.   Manuscripts ought to explore commonalities with different fields of application by providing some discussion of the broader context of the work and the way it connects to different areas among the sphere.   Open access All articles revealed by Journal of Biological Engineering area unit created freely and for good accessible on-line straight off upon publication, while not subscription charges or registration barriers. any data regarding open access are often found here. As authors of articles revealed in Journal of Biological Engineering you're the copyright holders of your article and have granted to any third party, earlier and in permanency, the correct to use, reproduce or pass around your article, consistent with the BMC license agreement. For those of you UN agency area unit United States workers or area unit prevented from being copyright holders for similar reasons, BMC will accommodate non-standard copyright lines. Please contact U.S. if any data is required.

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