Medical Journals In Dna Profiling

Medical Journals provide a platform for outstanding research around the globe in the field of medicine. These scholarly journals aim to contribute to the progress and application of scientific discoveries, by providing free access to the research information. The published work reaches the general public and the scientific community immediately after publication, thus providing higher citation rates for the author. Medical Journals are supported by 5000 internationally renowned editorial board members and a high quality review board. Medical Journals use online Editorial Manager System for quick and high quality review process. Articles of Medical journals are subjected to peer reviewing and these are included in the standard indexing databases like ISI, Scopus, EBSCO, CAS, HINARI etc. All the articles published in Medical journals are permanently archived in respective peer reviewed journals thus providing unrestricted utilization and requisition of the scientific information. DNA profiling (also called DNA checking, DNA typing, or genetic fingerprinting) is a method engaged by forensic scientists to aid in the identification of persons by their respective DNA profiles. DNA profiles are encrypted groups of numbers that contemplate a person's DNA makeup, which can furthermore be used as the person's identifier. DNA profiling should not be confused with full genome sequencing. It is used in, for example, parental checking and lawless person enquiry. Although 99.9% of human DNA sequences are the identical in every individual, sufficient of the DNA is distinct to distinguish one one-by-one from another, except they are monozygotic twins.