High Impact Factor Law And Order Journals
The mischief caused by increasing offences of violence, for example, is not confined to those who suffer actual harm, but spreads throughout the community creating suspicion and mistrust which multiply fears and even engender violence in others. The relaxing of moral standards reflected in more liberal attitudes to sexual conduct, in the abolition of censorship and in the legalising of
abortion may have their admirable side but must not be allowed to permit conditions in which those who value their integrity are a t risk. The new freedoms, like the old, must be freedoms within the law. Wherever the boundaries are drawn there must be effective and efficient detection procedures for those who transgress acceptable limits. No one concerned with the detection of serious crime is in any doubt about the reality of the truly evil elements which have still to be contained. Clearly then the police have a vital role to play, a t least as vital as they ever had in more settled times. This Society has a close interest in the police and especially in those functions of the police which can benefit from the specialist help of the scientist and the laboratory technician. Whichever party succeeds to office, therefore, can count upon the support of the Forensic Science Society for any improvements in the means available to the police for carrying out these tasks. It is well, however, to recall that there are tensions a t work within society, and within its various agencies.
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