Fothergill's Disease::

 Fothergill's Disease (FD) has been referred within the medical literature for hundreds of years . References to unilateral facial pain causing facial spasms are often seen within the writings of Aretaeus of Cappadocia within the 2nd century A.D. and people of the Arab physician Jujani within the 11th century A.D. The international Association for the study of pain defined Fothergill's Disease as sudden, usually unilateral, severe, brief, stabbing, recurrent pains within the distribution of 1 or more branches of the fifth cranial nerve. People often called it as trigeminal neuralgia , Trifacial neuralgia, or tic douloureux . life science sometimes calls FD the worst pain known to mankind and therefore the suicide disorder due to the many numbers of individuals taking their own lives once they cannot find effective treatments. The pain involves the second (maxillary) or third (mandible) divisions more often than the primary (ophthalmic); it rarely occur bilaterally and never simultaneously on all sides , occasionally quite one division is involved. Paroxysmal attack last for few seconds to minutes. general medicine Open Access, a politician journal of OMICS International publishes all the articles associated with Fothergill’ s Disease. The journal is subjecting all the received manuscripts to a strict referee process. The articles published within the journal are Open Access i.e, freely accessible to readers all round the world. general medicine Open Access is maintaining the standard of articles through its strict referee process.  

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