Food Technology Journal..

 Historically, shoppers paid very little attention to food technologies. these days the food production chain is long and complex, and foods and food technologies ar numerous. Consequently shoppers ar unsure regarding the determinants of food quality and safety and notice it troublesome to grasp them. Now, acceptance of food product fairly often depends on perceived edges and risks related to the food. standard views of food process technologies matter. particularly innovative food process technologies typically ar perceived as risky by shoppers Acceptance of the various food technologies varies. whereas pasteurisation is well recognized and accepted, air mass treatment and even microwaves typically ar perceived as risky. Studies by the Hightech Europe project found that ancient technologies were well accepted in distinction to innovative technologies. shoppers type their angle towards innovative food technologies through 3 main mechanisms: 1st, through data or beliefs regarding risks and edges related to with the technology; second, through attitudes supported their own experience; and third, through application of upper order values and beliefs.[3] variety of students think about the risk-benefit trade-off in concert of the most determinants of shopper acceptance,  

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