
 Epidemiology is the medicine branch that deals with the occurrence and prevalence of disease in large populations and the root cause of infectious disease epidemics. Epidemiological statistics is the science primarily concerned with making population parameter inferences using sampled measurement, statistical methods provide the tools for epidemiological research. Epidemiological studies mainly involves the steps of Exposure Assessment, and then design study to evaluate the causes of diseases.  Epidemiological studies provide research methods to systematically examine public health problems related to the factors that may cause and/or prevent this outcome in humans statistics should be a vehicle for scientific reasoning. But in the absence of properly designed and done research, it is worthless. Statisticians and epidemiologists know that the choice of methods determines what, and to what extent, we are making observations. Thus, the careful selection of design choices is of crucial importance to ensure accurate observations. Statistical epidemiology draws on quantitative methods from fields such as: statistics, research on operations, computer science, economics, biology and mathematics

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