Criminal-law -Journals-Publications
law , also known as criminal law, relates to crimes and punishment. Criminal
law offenses are regarded as offenses not only against individual victims, but also against the community. Modern criminal
law has been dramatically influenced by the social sciences , especially as regards punishment, legal study, legislation and rehabilitation. Accordingly, it regulates the definition and penalties for offenses found to have a sufficiently deleterious social impact, but in itself does not make a moral judgment on an offender or impose restrictions on society that physically prevent people from committing a crime. Investigating, apprehending, charging, and prosecuting suspect offenders is regulated by criminal law. Criminal
law Journal peer review is a mechanism in which experts from a particular field analyze the research performed by another discipline of the same sort. Methods of peer review have been designed to maintain the quality, credibility and performance standards.
Journals will forward the correct papers submitted for publication to assessors with equal expertise in this process.
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