Bio Field Therapies

Bio field therapies are intended to affect energy fields that supposedly surround and penetrate the human body. The Existing of such fields has not been scientifically showed. Some forms of energy therapy operate bio fields by applying pressure and or manipulating the body by placing the hands in, or through, these fields Examples: - Qigong, Reiki, and Therapeutic touch. Bio field therapies are noninvasive therapies in which the specialist explicitly works with a client's bio field interchange fields of energy and Details of that surround living systems] to stimulate healing responses in patients. While the practice of bio field therapies has existed in Eastern and Western cultures for thousands of years, empirical research on the Success of bio field therapies is still same nascent. In this article, we provide a summary of the state of the evidence for bio field therapies for a number of Separate clinical conditions. Healing practices that purport to sense and modulate “subtle energies” of the body have existed for thousands of years in a wide range of cultures. This family of practices, which includes healing touch (HT), Johrei, Pranic healing, Reiki, qigong and therapeutic touch (TT), is increasingly referred to as biofield therapies, a term coined during the US National Institutes of Health Conference in 1992. In this paper, biofield therapies are defined as noninvasive, practitioner-mediated therapies that explicitly work with the biofield of both the practitioner and client to stimulate a healing response in the client.  

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