Anorexia Nervosa Review Articles

 Anorexia nervosa is a psychological condition and an eating disorder in which the individual loses more weight than is healthy for their height and age. The individual will maintain a body weight of 85 prevent or less of their expected weight. A person with anorexia will intentionally restrict their food intake, generally due to a fear of being or becoming fat, even when their body mass index (BMI) is already low. They may also practice excessive exercise, use laxatives, and vomit to reduce weight, but to a lesser extent than those diagnosed with bulimia. Complications can be severe. Eating disorders are reported to have the highest mortality rate of any mental illness. Treatment includes hospitalization and counselling. Fast facts on anorexia nervosa: Here are some key points about anorexia nervosa. •Anorexia nervosa is a psychological condition that involves an eating disorder. •Symptoms include a very low body mass index (BMI), a refusal to eat, and attempts to lose weight, even when body mass index is very low. •It is thought to be triggered by a combination of biological, environmental, and genetic factors. •Treatment can take some time, but with a combination of counselling and other types of therapy, recovery is possible.

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