Angiosarcoma Open Access Journals

Angiosarcoma may be a rare and clinically highly variable cancer of blood vessels (a sort of sarcoma). High grade (aggressive) angiosarcomas can start anywhere within the body. The most common place for angiosarcomas to arise is within the head and neck area, breast (frequently several years after radiation and surgery for breast cancer), bone, or other vital organs such as liver and spleen. Less aggressive sorts of angiosarcoma exist also, like epithelioidhemangioendothelioma (EHE). There are other rare sorts of angiosarcoma, which cannot be discussed here. Kaposi sarcoma is additionally a sort of vessel sarcoma, but is discussed separately. Kaposi sarcoma is one among the rare sorts of cancer caused by an epidemic , KSHV or HHV-8, which escapes control of the system as seen in patients with HIV or in elderly patients, typically living in the areas around the Mediterranean Sea. Angiosarcomas are relatively rare. They comprise 1-2% of sarcomas within the surgical database from 1982-present from Memorial Hospital. Like other sarcomas, the danger of recurrence depends on the stage of disease. For sarcomas that are localized, low grade sarcomas are stage I, and large, high-grade, deep sarcomas are stage III. If a sarcoma doesn't have all three features (large, high-grade, and deep), it's stage II.            

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