Citations Report

Clinical Investigation : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Clinical Investigation have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world.

Clinical Investigation has got h-index 25, which means every article in Clinical Investigation has got 25 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Clinical Investigation.

  2021 2020 2019 2018 2017

Year wise published articles

60 28 19 22 19

Year wise citations received

231 169 96 67 60
Journal total citations count 2998
Journal impact factor 2.21
Journal 5 years impact factor 2.17
Journal cite score 13.6644295
Journal h-index 25
Journal h-index since 2018 20
Journal Impact Factor 2020 formula
IF= Citations(y)/{Publications(y-1)+ Publications(y-2)} Y= Year
Journal 5-year Impact Factor 2020 formula
Citations(2016 + 2017 + 2018 + 2019 + 2020)/
{Published articles(2016 + 2017 + 2018 + 2019 + 2020)}
Journal citescore
Citescorey = Citationsy + Citationsy-1 + Citationsy-2 + Citations y-3 / Published articlesy + Published articlesy-1 + Published articlesy-2 + Published articles y-3
  • Maraki S, Samonis G, Karageorgopoulos DE, Mavros MN, Kofteridis D, et al. ( 2012) In vitro antimicrobial susceptibility to isepamicin of 6296 Enterobacteriaceae clinical isolates collected at a tertiary-care University Hospital in Greece. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy Mar 5:AAC-06358.

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  • Hanberger H, Giske CG, Giamarellou H (2011) When and how to cover for resistant gram-negative bacilli in severe sepsis and septic shock. Current infectious disease reports 13(5):416.

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  • Melchers MJ, van Mil AC, Mouton JW (2015) In vitro activity of ceftolozane alone and in combination with tazobactam against extended-spectrum-β-lactamase-harboring Enterobacteriaceae. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy 59(8):4521-5. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Stockfleth E, Sibbring GC, Alarcon I (2016) New topical treatment options for actinic keratosis: a systematic review. Acta dermato-venereologica 96: 17-23.

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  • Del Rosso JQ, Kircik L, Goldenberg G, Brian B (2014) Comprehensive management of actinic keratoses: practical integration of available therapies with a review of a newer treatment approach. The Journal of clinical and aesthetic dermatology (9 Suppl S2-S12): S2. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Rosso JQ (2016) Ingenol Mebutate Topical Gel. Journal of Clinical & Aesthetic Dermatology 9. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Wadi J, Haloub N, Al Ahmad M, Samara A, Romman A (2011) Prevalence of meropenem susceptibility among Gram-negative pathogens isolated from intensive care units in Jordan. The International Arabic Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 1(1). View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Mottaghi K. Structure-based Development of Vitamin B5 Analogs and Evaluation of Their Antimicrobial Efficiency against S. aureus and E. coli (Doctoral dissertation, University of Toronto). View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Chávez-Tapia NC, Ridruejo E, Alves de Mattos A, Bessone F, Daruich J, et al. An update on the management of hepatitis C: guidelines for protease inhibitor-based triple therapy from the Latin American Association for the Study of the Liver. Ann Hepatol 12: S3-S5.

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  • Ridruejo E (2014) Safety of direct-acting antivirals in the treatment of chronic hepatitis C. Expert opinion on drug safety 13: 307-319.

    View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar
  • ADISON WC. Programming microbes to treat superbug infection (Doctoral dissertation, Nanyang Technological University). View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Liapikou A, Cilloniz C, Mensa J, Torres A (2015) New antimicrobial approaches to gram positive respiratory infections. Pulmonary pharmacology & therapeutics 32: 137-143. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • 高会洲, 杨科武. 超级细菌è€Âè¯é¶é…¶é‡‘å±Å¾ β-内酰胺酶的研究进展. 中国药学杂志. 2012;47(5):325-30. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Liapikou A, Torres A (2013) Emerging drugs on methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Expert opinion on emerging drugs 18: 291-305. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Liapikou A, Rosales-Mayor E, Torres A (2014) Pharmacotherapy for hospital-acquired pneumonia. Expert opinion on pharmacotherapy 15: 775-786. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Liapikou A, Dimakou K, Toumbis M (2016) Telavancin in the treatment of Staphylococcus aureus hospital-acquired and ventilator-associated pneumonia: clinical evidence and experience. Therapeutic Advances in Respiratory Disease 10: 368-378. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Kim C, Yang H, Fukushima Y, Saw PE, Lee J, et al. (2014) Vascular RhoJ is an effective and selective target for tumor angiogenesis and vascular disruption. Cancer cell 25: 102-117.

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  • Stephen S, Baranova A, Younossi ZM (2012) Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and bariatric surgery. Expert review of gastroenterology & hepatology 6(2):163-71. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Sanghai N, Jain V, Preet R, Kandekar S, Das S, et al. ( 2014) Combretastatin A-4 inspired novel 2-aryl-3-arylamino-imidazo-pyridines/pyrazines as tubulin polymerization inhibitors, antimitotic and anticancer agents. MedChemComm 5: 766-782.

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  • Devkota L, Lin CM, Strecker TE, Wang Y, Tidmore JK, et al. (2016) Design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of water-soluble amino acid prodrug conjugates derived from combretastatin, dihydronaphthalene, and benzosuberene-based parent vascular disrupting agents. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry 24: 938-956.

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  • Rezazadeh A, Yazdanparast R, Molaei M (2012) Amelioration of diet-induced nonalcoholic steatohepatitis in rats by Mn-salen complexes via reduction of oxidative stress. Journal of biomedical science 19(1):26.

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  • Stocker V, Ghinet A, Leman M, Rigo B, Millet R, et al. (2013) On the synthesis and biological properties of isocombretastatins: a case of ketone homologation during Wittig reaction attempts. RSC Advances 3: 3683-3696.

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  • Yan GH, Li XF, Ge BC, Shi XD, Chen YF, et al. (2015) Synthesis and anticancer activities of 3-arylflavone-8-acetic acid derivatives. European journal of medicinal chemistry 90: 251-257.

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  • Xin HG, Zhang BB, Wu ZQ, Hang XF, Xu WS et al. (2014) Treatment with baicalein attenuates methionine− choline deficient diet-induced non-alcoholic steatohepatitis in rats. European journal of pharmacology 738:310-8. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Herdman CA, Devkota L, Lin CM, Niu H, Strecker TE, et al. (2015) Structural interrogation of benzosuberene-based inhibitors of tubulin polymerization. Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry 23: 7497-520. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Shi TT, Li G, Xiao HT (2016) The Role of RhoJ in Endothelial Cell Biology and Tumor Pathology. BioMed Research International 2016.

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  • Baguley BC, McKeage MJ (2014) Therapeutic targeting of tumor angiogenesis: how far have we come?. Clinical Investigation 4: 1113-1122. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Wang W, Zhou W, Wang B, Zhu H, Ye L et al. (2012) Antioxidant effect of apolipoprotein AI on high-fat diet-induced non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in rabbits. Acta biochimica et biophysica Sinica Nov 21:gms100 View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Herdman CA, Strecker TE, Tanpure RP, Chen Z, Winters A, et al. (2016) Synthesis and biological evaluation of benzocyclooctene-based and indene-based anticancer agents that function as inhibitors of tubulin polymerization. MedChemComm 7: 2418-2427.

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  • Koh GY, Kim C, Yang H, Do Heo W, Kim I, et al. (2014) inventors; Korea Advanced Institute Of Science, Technology (Kaist), assignee. Method for targeting vascular rhoj for inhibiting tumor angiogenesis. United States patent application US 14/271,117. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Зайченко ОЕ. Терапевтические мишени при неалкогольной жировой болезни печени. Сучасна гастроентерологія. 2014(1):130-8.

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  • Степанов ЮМ. Стеатоз печени и стеатогепатит—неизбежность смешанного генеза. Гастроентерологiя. 2014;54(4). View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Lim E, Ni M, Cao S, Hazra A, Tamimi RM, et al. (2014) Importance of Breast Cancer Subtype in the Development of Androgen-Receptor-Directed Therapy. Current breast cancer reports. 6: 71-78. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Звягинцева ТД, Глущенко СВ. Неалкогольный стеатогепатит и методы патогенетический коррекции. Международный медицинский журнал. 2014(2):29-32.

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  • LEGHI GE, DOMENICI FA, VANNUCCHI H (2015) Influence of oxidative stress and obesity in patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. Arquivos de gastroenterologia 52(3):228-33. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Авалуева ЕБ, Ткаченко ЕИ, Сказываева ЕВ, Иванов СВ, Оришак ЕА, Лапинский ИВ. Эффективность урсодеоксихолевой кислоты в терапии неалкогольной жировой болезни печени, ассоциированной с метаболическим синдромом. Экспериментальная и клиническая гастроэнтерология. 2013(11). View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Stepanov YM (2014) Hepatic Steatosis and Steatohepatitis Is the Inevitability of Mixed Genesis. GASTROENTEROLOGY (4.54):136-42.

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  • Скибчик ВА, Башта ГВ, Булак ОВ. СТАТИÐЫ Ð’ ТЕРАпИИ ÐЕАЛКОГОЛьÐÐžЙ ЖИРОВÐžЙ БОЛЕЗÐИ пЕчЕНИ: ВЫСОКÐЯ ЭФФЕКТИВНОСТь И БЕЗОпАСНОСТь. НАУКОВО-ПРАКТИЧНИЙ МЕДИЧНИЙ.:68. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Schneider TC, Abdulrahman RM, Corssmit EP, Morreau H, Smit JW et al. (2012) Long-term analysis of the efficacy and tolerability of sorafenib in advanced radio-iodine refractory differentiated thyroid carcinoma: final results of a phase II trial. European journal of endocrinology 167(5):643-50

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  • Hoftijzer HC (2011) Differentiated thyroid carcinoma: treatment and clinical consequences of therapy. Department of Endocrinology, Faculty of Medicine, Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), Leiden University May 12.

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  • Hareedy A, Mostafa R. Clinical and molecular studies on differentiated thyroid carcinoma management (Doctoral dissertation, Thyroid Research Group, Department of Endocrinology, Faculty of Medicine, Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), Leiden University). View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Todenhöfer T, Hennenlotter J, Schmiedel BJ, Hohneder A, Grimm S, et al. (2013) Alterations of the RANKL pathway in blood and bone marrow samples of prostate cancer patients without bone metastases. The Prostate 73(2):162-8.

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  • Todenhöfer T, Schwentner C, Schilling D, Gakis G, Stenzl A (2011) Behandlung von ossären Metastasen und therapieinduzierter Osteoporose beim Prostatakarzinom. Der Urologe 50(9):1055.

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  • Grabowski GA, Golembo M, Shaaltiel Y. Taliglucerase alfa: an enzyme replacement therapy using plant cell expression technology. Molecular genetics and metabolism. 2014 May 31;112(1):1-8.

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  • Castilho A, Steinkellner H (2012) Glyco‐engineering in plants to produce human‐like N‐glycan structures. Biotechnology journal 7(9):1088-98.

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  • Elstein D, Hughes D, Gokerâ€ÂAlpan O, Stivel M, Baris HN, et al. (2014) Outcome of pregnancies in women receiving velaglucerase alfa for Gaucher disease. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research 40(4):968-75. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Barth BM, Shanmugavelandy SS, Tacelosky DM, Kester M, Morad SA, et al. (2013) Gaucher's disease and cancer: a sphingolipid perspective. Critical Reviews™ in Oncogenesis 18(3).

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  • Rosales-Mendoza S, Tello-Olea MA (2015) Carrot cells: a pioneering platform for biopharmaceuticals production. Molecular biotechnology 57(3):219-32. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Barranger JA, Brady RO, Grabowski GA, Mankin H, Mistry PK, et al. (2014) Position statement: National Gaucher Foundation Medical Advisory Board, January 7. American journal of hematology 89(5):457-8. View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing
  • Mathew A. Studies on glucose tolerant β-glucosidases from a novel Byssochlamys fulvaand their applications in biomass to ethanol conversion (Doctoral dissertation, Cochin University of Science and Technology). View at Publisher | View at Google Scholar | View at Indexing