
Medical marijuana in cancer: harmful or harm reduction?

Author(s): Alexandra Thielmann1, Paul J Daeninck


decades, initially as a herbal remedy for a variety of ills, then as a mild hallucinogen used by the
‘counter culture’ of the 1960s and more recently as a focus of increasing medical and scientific
research. It also has become a popular alternative medication, and controversy continues to
swirl around its indications, despite widespread anecdotal evidence. Cannabinoids, isolated
from the plant as well as synthetically derived, have become a rapidly increasing area of
research and clinical use in certain medical conditions, such as cancer and cancer treatment.
Taken together, it becomes difficult for medical professionals to know whether these compounds
can be used with caution or should be rejected outright due to the potential harms, which
include the possibility of psychosis and driver impairment. Here, we explore the evidence for
cannabis and cannabinoid use in supportive cancer therapy, as well as sift through some of
the issues to be considered (including an explanation of the Canadian experience) as ‘medical
marijuana’ becomes more widely available.