
Case report on non-Hodgkin lymphoma: Initial presentation as cardiac temponade

Author(s): Ayesha Siddika, Mir Nesaruddin, Nahidul Hasan, Fazila Tunnessa Malik, Shamim Chowdhury

A complicated set of lymphoreticular system cancers are collectively referred to as lymphomas. First developing in the lymphatic tissues, these cancers can move to other lymph node groups and affect the bone marrow before developing into an extranodular mass (NHL) or a non-tender mass or masses in a lymph node region (HL). The prevalence of lymphoid neoplasms, such as Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (NHLs), has been rising for the past thirty years. The prognosis, response to different treatments, and presentation style of NHL vary. NHL usually involves not only lymph nodes but also extranodal sites. Careful evaluation of patient and proper investigations is required for correct diagnosis so that patient will receive the treatment in early stage which has a good prognosis. Here, we are presenting the case of intermediate grade- B-cell NHL of a 26-year-young man.